Sunday, November 20, 2016

Accepting a Few New Clients in December

For the last few months, I have had to say no to potential new clients. This is the first time I have reached my coaching practice limit, and frankly, I really have had mixed feelings about it.

On one hand, I really have been pushing a bit too hard; I am teaching an extra class this quarter so I can teach only one in the winter (and one of my favorite's, my online "Criminalization of Immigration" course, and what a poignant time to be teaching it!). I am also working on the revisions for my textbook, Navigating Human Services, and am working on a edited book on international health care social work.

However, my coaching practice is perhaps my favorite part of my career, and I miss the excitement of helping people I have not worked with before!

So, with a couple of clients successfully moving through the preliminary stages of the tenure and promotion process (does this really need to be a six month sojourn?),  and with my moving into a less demanding teaching load, I can take on a few new clients!

So, if you know someone who might wish to work with me, let them know! I am willing to give anyone a complementary call (or Google Hangout) to explore potentially working together. Do hurry though; I should book up again soon.

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