Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Path to Thriving as a Scholar

There are many good sources that explore writing productivity, for scholars and other writers. I have not read a great deal that is new about writing productivity in a long time; the same may be for you. However, from my experience, it is not the rules that are hard, but their personal application.

Many of us know that daily writing beats binge writing, understand the role of rituals in writing productivity, and understand the pitfalls of editing while you write. Yet, what stops most from applying these rules is your "stuff"- your own highly individual, constellation of personal foibles, vulnerabilities and internalized messages. You know what they are, or at least have a sense; you know how and when they get in your way.

Transcending these are what writing productivity, and general productivity, is really about. No quick platitudes or accountability group (a good thing) is going to help you learn to maximize your own strengths in service of transcending your "stuff." This takes a far more individualized, personal, dare I say quasi-therapeutic path. There are many ways to begin to travel this path, but to thrive, we must each select one.



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