Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Surgery Two

Today, I am going in for my second knee replacement. Unlike the first, I am not afraid. If all goes well, I will be sitting in my writing chair, dogs in lap, on Saturday. I will have some pain, but I will be fine. I will have what I need. Love. Warmth. Dogs. Writing. I will get knee-care coach/significant other Sandy to bring me some sushi. I will start my online workshop next week. I will slowly get back in the swing of things. Near the end of March, I go back to teaching.

And sorry for the downturn in new blog posts.I will be getting back to it soon.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with surgery and recovery Rich! I have friends and family who have been through these procedures, both young and old (yes, successful hip replacement at 80+!).

    Take care and heal well. You and your work is greatly appreciated here on the other side of the world as well. Greetings from freezing Stockholm.
