Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Open Letter, to Professors, Chairs and Deans

Dear colleagues,

Do you know an assistant professor who is in trouble?. We all know one. A great colleague who is at risk of not getting tenure. They teach well, are good colleagues/citizens, but they do not publish or publish enough. They have had some internal supports, perhaps, but either not enough or something is not clicking. I can help. The insightful, strength based coaching I provide for academics on writing productivity, publishing scholarly articles, and the psychosocial barriers that inhibit scholars from thriving has helped many faculty move successfully toward tenure and beyond. I have developed a unique set of techniques and skills based on evidence-based approaches to writing, publishing, coaching, and psychotherapy. I am passionate about this work!

I try to make my services accessible, which includes, but is not limited to, accepting faculty development and other funds from universities (I accept private payments as well). If you know of any assistant professors who may need help thriving, or associate professors who are trying to jump start their careers and move toward promotion, please do let me know or pass this note on to them. I also conduct one and two day workshops on writing and publishing; it would be fun to come to your campus for a workshop and a visit.

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