Friday, May 3, 2019

Containing Time

How long does it take to grade a paper? How long does it take to clean the kitchen? How long does it take to prepare for a task?


As much time as you choose to give it.

Many tasks can take as long as we give them. We can spend hours and hours preparing for a class, grading a group of papers--the task will fill the time provided. If the time is not clearly bound, the task will often fill the time. Yet, our lives are so full and busy that we cannot afford to dedicate an undefined, unspecified amount of time to all of the tasks that demand our attention.

Writing will not get done. Careers will suffer.

In such situations, we must contain time, to quote a client of mine. We must decide on how much time we are going to give a task, and then find methods of self/relational accountability to insure that we don't work too much.

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