Friday, August 26, 2016

What a Difference A Year Makes

Its been a while since I have written a personal post, updating my readers about my life. If you are a new reader,  I was divorced rather unexpectedly a year ago. The timing sucked (if indeed the timing of a shocking abandonment can ever be good!), as it coincided with my 50th B day and the start of my empty next syndrome.

So, a year later, how am I doing?

Rather fantastic, really. I am in a new relationship that is pretty amazing. Never have I felt so heard, valued, understood, and respected. After a year away, my baby is back home, about to start college where I teach, UW Tacoma. My coaching practice has been wonderful. I am pretty much booked up at this point (get on the waiting list, if your interested in working with me ;), and I am fortunate to be working with some really amazing scholars. Its too much fun.

Still working out 4-6 times a week. Learning to play the ukulele. Still working back toward being as engaged in teaching as I once was; not uncommon for mid-career faculty. Rewriting Practical Tips for Publishing Scholarly Articles, and doing the revision of my text book that actually sells, Navigating Human Services.

I still feel shock, loss, and grief at times. I am still sad at the loss of my sense of forever family. I still feel mistreated, abandoned, and thrown away, at times. I am working through it. I am solid!

Loss is a process. Life is a process. Writing is a process.  I am working on embracing all three (the later I am good at, the other two, training wheels! )- staying in the moment, moving forward, trusting. Living. Loving. Writing.

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