Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Cutting Before Crisis

This week, I learned of two scholars that I care about that are taking medical leaves for emotional/family care/mental health reasons. I am thrilled that both fo them had the courage to take this step.  I am proud of them. I am sad it came to this

Yet, in both cases, and this is not to blame them, there may have been things that they could have cut/reduced before. This is not to say that they had total choice in the contexts that lead up to them making this wise decision, but both may have internalized demands and expectations that may not have been fully the demands of the institutions. 

Racism, sexism, and the intrusion of corporate capitalism into academic spaces all lead to the internalization of beliefs even when the structural barriers are not acting upon us. The same holds true for childhood experiences that have not been processed.

It is essential that we do the emotional work of teasing apart real expectations and demands verses those that we have internalized that no longer serve us.  

We also have to do the hard work of learning to cut what can be cut, say no to what needs to be said no to, and work on our processes so we can be as efficient as we can. 

Doing the internal work does not absolve oppressive and problematic institutions--there are changes that must be made--but we have to learn to control what can can control.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Writing Challenge: Start Over

Consider a paragraph that you have been tinkering with a great deal. It just does not seem to work, and you keep playing with it. 

Read the paragraph.

Stop. Leave the document, and wait five minutes. Open a new document. Write a simple sentence "the purpose of this paragraph is to..."

Now, write it, without looking again. 

At times, starting over is far more efficient than fixing something that does not work.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Stop "Lying": You Won't Have It Next Week!

We all do it. Tell colleagues and collaborators that we will have something done next week when we know darn well that we won't. We have learned to do this to avoid messy situations (confrontations?), assuage guilt, and hope and hope and hope that somehow we will magically get back to that article that we said we would do three months ago!

And yes, I do understand you are not lying intentionally. However, this defense mechanism leads to a great deal of guilt and anxiety--you know that feeling, hoping an email from the recipient of said "lie" does not pop into your email box! The cumulation of those little lies can lead to a great deal of email dread.

The solution? Getting real with ourselves, and with our colleagues about the actual nature of our writing agenda. It may make for some slightly harder discussions upfront, but decreases a great del of psychic toll.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Pause Botton or the Gas?

In life, you need to learn when self-care means pressing the pause button, and when it means putting your foot down on the gas. If you do one but not the other all the time, you may be out of balance....