Monday, July 31, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 30: The Last Haiku

The Last Haiku

Thirty now complete.
Helped one scholar, write one line?
Than I am fulfilled.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Writing Tip Haikus 28 & 29: When you don't get.....

When you don't get what you need in order to thrive

Taught to go it alone.
Needs go unmet. Shame. Hopeless.
Coach? Therapist? Seek.

It is now on you.
F' you hopelessness. Agency.
Its now on you.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Writing tip Haiku 27: Back up journal

Back up journal

Have you chosen it?
Before article is started?
No? Woo is thee, woo.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 26: Journal Selection

Journal Selection

Have you chosen it?
Before article is started?
No? Woo is thee, woo.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 25: Hope


Running, a deep spring.
When dry, the days, without end.
Find reason, or drought.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 24: Word Count

Word count

Have you chosen it?
Before article is started?
No? Woo is thee, woo.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 23: Depression and Writing

Depression and Writing

It hurts. Why bother.
Futile. Awful. Judgments. Shame.
You deserve; seek help.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 22: Fear and Writing

Fear and Writing

Imagine the bad.
Future events, appear real.
Breath. One word. The next.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 21: 30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge

Write, thirty days straight.
If you make it, and you can,
you will change. Promise.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Friday, July 21, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 19: Even when it stinks


Even when it stinks.
Like this haiku, dull, sterile.
Stay in process, stay.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 18: You are the tool

You Are The Tool

Want to write a lot?
Focus on self-downing thoughts.
You, the sharpened tool.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 17: Grammar


Obsess about it.
Or spelling, writing draft one.
Kill depth, focus, flow.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Writing Tip 16: Modes of Academic Writing

Modes of Academic Writing

One of my secrets.
Got to work with me to know.
Tee hee, tee hee, tee.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 15: Primary and secondary articles

Primary and secondary articles

Touch primarily daily.
Secondary time to time.
Most people 2 max.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 14: 30 minutes a day

Daily 30 minute writing ritual

Baseline. Minimum.
Day after day. One word, two.
Builds a strong career.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 13: Perfect Grammar

Perfect Grammar

Kill productive work.
Strive for total perfection,
While writing each line.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 12: Working with collaborators

Working with Collaborators

Model. Be what you wish,
in your ideal colleague.
Control what you can.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Writing Tip Haikus 9,10 & 11: Article Rejections

Article Rejections

Really, major suck.
Suck worse than 80s hair bands.
Milli Vanilli.

Feel, do not wallow

Cry for but a day.
Some feedback good, some drivel.
Two weeks to attack.

Neither Gods nor Goats

You have agency.
Explore issues with editor.
Calm self and mind. Write.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 8: Books

Writing a Book

So big, Huge. Scary.
Nobody eats the whale.
One word. One word. One.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 7: Cognitive Therapy for Self

The essense of cogntive therapy or How to change your poopy feelings Haiku
By Rich Furman
Grade 3

Find the hard feeling.
Identify causal belief.
Discover the truth.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 6: How cognitive "therapy" is empowering

How cognitive therapy is empowering
(a wee bit verbose Haiku)

Thinking creates affect.
Possess within your control
Power, change your thinking.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku 4: Articles


Need a clear structure.
Choose word count, prior to start.
Cutting words, tears, blood.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Friday Challenge

Follow this sequence and see what happens.

1) Quickly identify a place on your primary writing project that you need to expand.
2) Find two sources with information/theory/data to help you at that spot.
3) Set timer for ten minutes, scan each for needed material, five minutes each.
4) Return to spot, and write quickly, without censure, but with intentionality, until your done.
5) Read. Ask yourself, "how do I improve the ideas here"?
6) Do it, for ten minutes

Repeat, every day, over and over and over :).

Writing Tip Haiku 3: Text Messaging. Stop. Now. Please.

Horrid addiction.
Destroyer of dreams, writing.
Eats children while sleep.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Writing Tip Haiku: 1

Sometimes, to break out of a blogging rut, I have to give myself challenges, and shake things up. So, I am going to try to write a whole bunch of writing tip Haiku during July. Can I get to 30?

And yes, I do get that Haiku are far nuanced than how they are frequently bastardized. I will explore that a bit later, but for now, lets begin :).

The sound of fingers.
Silently dance, kiss the keys.
This is all there is.

The more you write, the more you want to write

Not much more to say than that, but perhaps, I will. The more you write, the more you want to write. I am not advocating for binge writing, for hours and hours of writing in spite of having no desire to do so. That leads to frustration and burn out. I am advocating for consistency, a daily practice that nurtures your mind, your creative self.

Certainly, we have to learn a great many tools to be successful as academic writers, and if we are not focused on one or two or even three articles (or whatever) than all the writing in the world would add up to little. Yet, engaging in the discipline of writing each and every day (or most days), year after year leads to deeper thinking, deeper practice, and the results we want. It also increases our motivation for writing. Writing, begets writing.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Your Professional Mission Statement

On Twitter the other day, a wise young scholar presented what I would call a professional/academic mission statement. It reminded me that I wrote this down as a title for a potential blog post many moons ago and made a few notes. So, no time like the present, even though this is going to be a short post.

An academic/professional mission statement is a statement of intent about what your scholarly work stands for, and/or what you stand for as a scholar. There are many uses of creating a mission statement: clarity of purpose for self; putting out your intention to the world; having a lens/filter to help you in your decision making process; and, as a pitch to other scholars/organizations/practitioners about how you might of value/service to them, ect.

Regardless of what you do with it, is a healthy process, intentionally considering what you stand for, what your mission is, and what you hope to achieve as the organization of you. 

Without being prescriptive, think of yourself as an organization; this will help you get outside of yourself just a bit, and help to keep your expectations realistic. Write a mission statement for yourself. Share it with a trusted colleague for feedback (or me, if you wish!!)